Blog Coming Soon

Good Morning. Nina here. Our website is coming together today. I hope to get a few articles written in the near future about what I think are some interesting legal issues. I'll post them here as they're completed. And on the off chance that you want to nerd out like a champ, I'll enable comments so you can respond with your thoughts.

School has started again, and kids will be headed back to college soon. Do you have a young adult? Just a reminder that everyone over 18 needs health care documents. In case of an emergency, a HIPAA Release and Health Care Surrogate will let you access your kid's medical information and make decisions for them. It's a real problem if those documents are not in place, even if you're paying the bills. A power of attorney wouldn't hurt either. Heck, even a simple will, if they're into "adulting." Give us a call. We'll get those going for you.

So I'll be working on some content for this page, something beyond pitching the importance of health care documents. But seriously, they're really important.